StoneHurst Outdoor Fireplace

StoneHurst Outdoor Fireplace

The Stonehurst Outdoor Fireplace, which we normally associate with a stepped appearance like a pagoda, has a solid build and will create a substantial presence on your patio.

Manufactured from high quality steel, this is a striking fireplace with a bronze effect finish. The open sides encourage air flow to fan the flames and create a lovely centrepiece.

Handily, there is a compartment for logs underneath and, as both sides can view the fireplace, everyone present can enjoy this ideal focal point on cool evenings.

Santana Perforated Fireplace

Santana Perforated Fireplace

Instantly recognisable as a contemporary La Hacienda design, the Santana Fireplace will very quickly become popular with your family and friends as a welcoming outdoor focal point.

Most people unerringly find themselves attracted to the flickering glow of burning logs, and the expertly crafted Santana will not disappoint, containing the fire behind gauze that has one side open to replenish the flames through.

Built from top quality steel with a tough black finish, the fireplace with its high smoke stack is very distinctive as a decorative object but comes into its own during dark evenings when warmth and light are at a premium.